Science Museum Oklahoma

Science Museum Oklahoma
In Designing for Play with Cas Holman, on view in Science Museum Oklahoma's smART Space through January 2023, you'll catch a glimpse into Cas's studio and process for design. Featuring original design sketches, prototypes, and scale models of Rigamajig, Rigamajig Jr., and other designs, the exhibition demonstrates the iterative nature of Cas's design process in which play is both the objective and the method. The exhibition also includes a Rigamajig kit, so visitors can experience the magic of open-ended, free play firsthand.
To complement this exhibition, Cas and Science Museum Oklahoma invited Azhelle Wade, The Toy Coach, to curate a collection of contemporary BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, people of color) artists working with toys who have new and inspiring ideas. The featured creators include Mitchel Wu, Sebastian Flores, Marjorie Spitalnik and Dr. Lisa Williams.
Science Museum Oklahoma houses more than eight acres of hands-on science experiences and thousands of space, aviation, and cultural artifacts. The museum's smART Space galleries feature one-of-a-kind exhibitions devoted to exploring the intersection of science and the arts.
Learn more about the museum and the exhibition here.